Saturday, 26 April 2014

UFT Interview Questions or QTP Interview Questions

 Mandatory Questions to read before any UFT/QTP Interview
  1. What type of testing's can be performed using UFT or QTP?
  2. How does UFT Recognize objects?
  3. How GUI Test interact with Web Service Tests in UFT?
  4. Difference between UFT 11.52 and UFT 12?
  5. What is Solution in UFT?
  6. Does Object Spy Support object addition to OR directly? If so to which OR?
  7. What is Dim
  8. What is Redim
  9. What are type conversion function
  10. How to verify a file exists or not
  11. How to verify a folder exist or not
  12. How to connect to excel using Datatable
  13. How to resize a array
  14. What is a framework - what is your framework like
  15. How does QTP identify objects
  16. How to create a Database connection using QTP
  17. Explain about the different type of checkpoint you know
  18. Can you add any vbs file as part of recovery scenario
  19. When can you start automation
  20. Can all part of application be automated
  21. How to read flat files
  22. What is a difference between action properties and Action call properties
  23. Can you set no of iteration for an action to execute? How ?
  24. What are transaction points
  25. Can you explain about Reporter.Report event
  26. What are the recording modes you have in QTP ? Can you explain the differences in them
  27. What is object repository manager how can you use it ?
  28. How does object repository holds objects
  29. What is difference between QTP 10 and QTP 11
  30. How many type of actions calls are their
  31. What is difference between Byval and Byref
  32. What is difference between function and action
  33. What is difference between function and subprogram
  34. How do you associate function libraries in QTP
  35. What is debug viewer
  36. What is difference between stepinto , stepout and stepover
  37. What is a step generator
  38. What is the use of "with statement'
  39. What is a component in BPT
  40. What is BPT automation process
  41. Does BPT need special license from HP to work with QTP scripts
  42. What is application area in BPT
  43. What are the file extension supported by QTP for writing function ( Answer is - QFL and VBS)
  44. What are the default checkpoints visible for insertion any time (Answers is - database checkpoint , XML checkpoint from resource and File Content checkpoint)
  45. What is type casting in QTP/VBS
  46. Can we call Win runner scripts in QTP ? Have you work with Winrunner scripts
  47. How to insert a break point in QTP and how to remove breakpoint in QTP
  48. How do you give estimations for a Application automation
  49. How to comment a statement in qtp
  50. Can you tell me multiple ways to run a application
  51. Have you heard about mercury.device replay object
  52. Can you write a script to sort content of array
  53. Can you write a script to merge two strings
  54. How to copy cells content from one to another
  55. How to manipulate dates
  56. How to add date and time to current date and time
  57. List the content of Automation approach document
  58. How to configure UFT with Bluezone Emulator
  59. How to configure a flex application with UFT or QTP
  60. How to maximize a browser using UFT or QTP

Note: I will be posting answers shortly. Please search the blog for answers to these questions (or) you can click on the question to get the answer. I will be updating the Question Bank and Answers to questions regularly. If you cannot find any answer to any of the questions above and need answer immediately please drop me a comment. Thanks!!!

Happy Reading & All the best
Sreenu Babu


  1. Super! Bhayaa... Great Efforts.. :) :)

    1. Can you write a script to merge to string.

  2. Program to merge two strings ?

    Dim Str1,Str2,Result
    Result=Str1&Str2 or Str1+Str2
    Msgbox Result

  3. please add more answers as soon as possible.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing these questions, it is really helpful who are doing qtp trainings I am one of them. Thank you so much! :)
