Friday, 25 April 2014

QTP - UFT - Configuring & Working with TE Add-in


Configuring & Working with TE Add-in with UFT ( BlueZone)

In Configuring Blue Zone there are two major steps
  • Configure UFT
  • Configure BlueZone VT
Configure UFT

Steps to Configure UFT:-
  1. Open UFT -> Tools -> Options -> GUI Testing
  2. Select Terminal Emulator
  3. Select Vendor “Seagull “
  4. Select Emulator “BlueZone5”
  5. Select Protocol “AutoDetect”
Validate your selection by clicking on validate 
Note: - This approach also works for BlueZone Installer Version 5 and above

Configure BlueZone VT
Select an existing VT in BlueZone mainframe Display and save it with Name “A” 
Steps to configure BlueZone VT
  1. Open BlueZone Main Frame display using VT “A” ( I.e. previously saved)
  2. Select File Properties -> Title Bar
  3. Select HLLAPI Short Name
  4. Remove any other selection on File Properties -> Title Bar except HILLAPI Short Name
  5. Close File Properties
  6. Select Option -> API in BlueZone Main Frame display for VT “A
  7. In Options Tab -> High Level Language API (HLLAPI) Set the Short Name Session Identifier : as “A
  8. Select “Auto – Launch the BlueZone DOS HLLAPI Redirection
  9. Select “Allow Multiple Simultaneous connections
  10. Remove any other selected fields on the option tab
  11. Click on Apply and OK to close the Options

Note: - Please follow the exact steps as stated above. Now you are ready to go with BlueZone and UFT.