UFT 12.01 Released
You can download a 60 day trail version of this software from the following link
New Features of UFT 12.01
You can use the new UFT Windows Runtime Add-in to test Windows
Runtime applications running on Windows 8.x or Windows Server 2012.
A Windows Runtime application is any
application running from the Start or Apps screen in Windows
8.x/Windows Server 2012 and installed from the Windows Store. These
applications differ from traditional applications in previous versions of
Windows (which run in the Desktop screen in Windows 8.x/Windows Server
In UFT, the Windows Runtime Add-in is always available when UFT is installed on a computer running Windows
Using the Windows Runtime Add-in, you can:
Record and run tests
on your Windows Runtime applications
Create object
repositories with Windows Runtime objects
Use UFT on Windows 8.x by easily navigating between UFT (running on the Desktop screen) and
your Windows Runtime application
You can use the new SiebelOpenUI Web 2.0 Add
in (toolkit) to test applications designed using the Siebel Open UI
framework. The toolkit is based on Web Add-in Extensibility and extends the Web
Add-in to recognize unique Siebel Open UI objects and operations.
The SiebelOpenUI toolkit, installed after
UFT as part of the Web 2.0 toolkit installation,
is displayed as a child add-in of the Web Add-in.
For details:
on the SiebelOpenUI
toolkit and Web 2.0 toolkits, see the Web 2.0 Add-ins section in the HP Unified Functional Testing Add-ins Guide.
on the SiebelOpenUI
available objects and methods, see the Web 2.0 Toolkits/SiebelOpenUI
section of the HP UFT Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.
You can use the new SAPUI5 Add in (toolkit) to
test applications designed using the SAPUI5 SDK running on Internet Explorer.
The toolkit is based on Web Add-in Extensibility and extends the Web Add-in to
recognize unique SAPUI5 objects and operations.
The SAPUI5 toolkit is always available as a
child add-in of the Web Add-in.
The ability to test Web applications on Safari
browser running on a remote Mac computer is now officially supported.
In addition to running tests on the remote
Safari browser, you can now:
Use the new Remote
Object Spy to spy on Web applications running on Safari
Use the CaptureBitmap
test object method when running on Safari
See snapshots of the
test run in your test results
Secure the
communication between the Mac computer and the computer running UFT using an access passphrase and an
SSL connection.
The Unified Functional
Testing Agent Chrome
Extension is now available in the web store, aligning with Chrome’s latest
technology, and enabling automatic updates of UFT’s Chrome support.
details, see the details on testing in Google Chrome in the Web Quick
Reference section of the Add-ins guide.
the GetVisibleText method for Insight Objects: You can now retrieve text from an object
recognized by Insight, using the OCR mechanism. You can use this text for
verification purposes, or as a way of differentiating between objects or states
of the application.
details, see the GetVisibleText method page in the Insight
section of the HP UFT Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.
support for Flex Advanced Data Grid objects: The UFT Flex add-in now
recognizes Advanced Data Grid controls as FlexTable test objects, and supports
basic table functionality for these controls. In addition, UFT supports ExpandRow, CollapseRow,
and SortByColumn operations for tables of this type.
more details on these methods, see the FlexTable object in the Flex
section of the HP UFT Object Model Reference for GUI Testing.
a WADL file from a URL: Previously, in order to use a WADL file to create
REST Service methods, you had to import the WADL containing the methods
from a file saved on the file system. Now, you can also import the
WADL file from a URL, in the same manner you import a WSDL file from
a URL.
Flights API application also now
includes a sample WADL as part of the service.
preemptive security when testing a Web service with security: UFT can now send the Web service step's security authentication
when sending a Web service request.
when testing a Web service method that required security settings, UFT did not initially send security credentials
for a web service test step and instead waited for the request from the Web
server for the security credentials. Now, by selecting an option in the General
tab of the Properties pane (for HTTP Request and REST Service methods), or the
HTTP tab of the Properties pane (for Web service methods and
SOAP Request steps), you can send the security information with the
initial Web service request.
improvements: When debugging your
test, the Breakpoints and Call Stack Pane show the name of the current document
(the document that contains the breakpoint or the document in the current run
context of the test). This enables you to navigate your debugging session more
a destination sheet when exporting a data table to Excel: Using the DataTable.ExportSheet
method, you can now specify the name of the destination worksheet. This enables
better control of your Excel output. For example, you can generate a different
sheet for every iteration in your test run.
improvements: The new HTML5
documentation format provides a new look and feel and enables you to:
o View search results with a short excerpt from
the topics found.
o Use the search filter to limit your searches
to the HP UFT Object Model Reference for GUI Testing,
is addition to the search filters that existed previously.
Navigate more
smoothly. For example, when you click a cross-reference, the referenced page
opens and scrolls to the relevant location.
UFT 12.01 now includes the following new
supported environments:
Updated support for
the latest versions of Firefox and Chrome. For details on specific browser
versions, see the HP Unified Functional
Testing Product Availability
JDK 1.8
HyperV (technology
preview level)
SAP Web Dynpro ABAP
for NW 7.40
Expanded Internet
Explorer support for SAP Web UI
Windows 2012 R2
(technology preview level)