Sunday, 1 June 2014

QTP - UFT - How to handle multiple objects with same properties - example

Solution - Use Ordinal Identifiers

we can use the following ordinal identifiers depending on the object
1) Creation Time ( only for browsers)
2) Index
3) Location

here is a scenario that describes it. I have created two buttons with same properties and when you spy using object spy on the buttons object spy displays same object properties.

Here is the above snapshot html code ( Copy the code in notepad and save with extension html)

<Head> <title> Object Identification </title> </head>
<br>When you use object Spy on both the objects the properties will be same.
<br><Input type=Button name="s1" value="Button1"></Input>
<br><Input type=Button name="s1" value="Button1"></Input>

When you use object Spy the following is displayed

Object Spy - Properties of first button"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input name=""s1"" type=""Button"" value=""Button1"">",

Object Spy - Properties of second button
"Class Name:=WebButton",
"html id:=",
"html tag:=INPUT",
"outerhtml:=<input name=""s1"" type=""Button"" value=""Button1"">",

If you ignore the "y" and "abs_y" property, rest of the properties are unique.

If you add these properties to Object Repository, UFT/QTP adds the objects to OR with ordinal identifiers as Index.


'when recording
Browser("Object Identification").Page("Object Identification").WebButton("Button1").Click
Browser("Object Identification").Page("Object Identification").WebButton("Button1_2").Click

' when using descriptive programming
Browser("name:=Object Identification").page("title:=Object Identification").webbutton("name:=Button1","Index:=0").Click
Browser("name:=Object Identification").page("title:=Object Identification").webbutton("name:=Button1","Index:=1").Click



  1. Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for. Good post!!!

  2. instead of button, if it is a link??

    1. 'when using descriptive programming
      Browser("name:=Object Identification").page("title:=Object Identification").Link("name:=Link1","Index:=0").Click
      Browser("name:=Object Identification").page("title:=Object Identification").Link("name:=Link1","Index:=1").Click

  3. Depending on the names we add the number of indexes changes.The names are passed via excel sheet. for eg html_id value is individual[1].name. How do you find the index values for this on run time.

  4. I am not able to identify the second web button at all even thru OR or DP

  5. Au lieu du bouton, s'il s'agit d'une image (y'a pas d'index dans mon image :/ )?

  6. Its giving me error.. even if i use index.. currently using descriptive programming. Is there any other way to recognise 2 similar object? Reply asap
